Wednesday 23 March 2016

Lucky Dip Club Review - February Unboxing Galentines Surpise Box

When I hear that thud every month of my Lucky Dip Club box coming through my letter box, I go and grab it straight away. I put it up safe away from the sticky fingers of Emmett and Rudie and I save it for a quiet moment with a cup of coffee so I can have a nice long look at everything in peace and quiet.

I was excited for this month's box. Galentines is something I think I heard for the first time last year - it's a basically cute term for sending your girl buddies something at Valentines. Cute, huh? And who doesn't want to let their girl pals know that you love them? In celebration of this, this month's box contains a little set of Girl Gang greetings cards, a GIRLS lettering banner, BFF 2 part keyring, Unicorn and rainbow enamel pin and a note book. The quality of the notepad paper is ace - nice skinny lines (my favourite)

I'm so lucky with my own Girl Gang. I work from home so I have no work colleagues. It can be lonely at times. My pals are totally essential and I'm lucky that we all have the same dorky sense of humour. I feel incredibly grateful to have such good people in my life

If you missed sending your girl pals something on Valentines day, it's never too late. Everyone likes a special surprise in the post :-)

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